Expressions of Faith

an outlet of encouragement, explanation, and exhortation

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American Health Care, or lack thereof, and cost

Here are the raw numbers we have to account for in our failed health care system.


We spend more PUBLIC money on healthcare than comparable countries with national health care systems. When you add the private money in, we spend enormously more money on health care than countries with national health care systems. I mean really enormously more!

Ask regular people with national health care if they like it. They will gripe about it. Every system has limitations.

Ask regular people with national health care if they would trade it for the American system. They would not.

Rich people should be able to use their resources to get the health care they want. Regular people need something a whole lot more like national health care in these other countries than what we have now.

If we were reasonable, we could spend less than now and get better care and cover everyone. Less GDP than now, and less GDP than France – who is already less than us. The numbers are clear. They are not complicated. They are enormously unfavorable to us and our system. They are unfavorable for any system currently under serious consideration in Washington. It is a scandalous failure of our politics and society.

Euphorbia tirucalli WARNING

Firestick Pencil Cactus – Euphorbia tirucalli

You might want to get rid of these firestick pencil cactus if you have them. This one nearly sent me to the emergency room last night. Sam Ginder, Nathan, and I were outside playing catch and Nathan was restacking some garden decorations. One of them fell on this plant. It leaked white sap. In the dim light, I touched it to make sure it wasn’t white flies, a garden pest that I have fought before. It was sap instead. I thought nothing of it, but wiped the sap off my finger – just a drip. A few minutes later I went inside and carefully washed my hands with soap and water. A few minutes after that, I inadvertently touched my eye with my hand. And fire broke out! At least that’s what it felt like.

It took me a bit to piece together what had happened and read about this plant. And that was after a desperation shower to attempt to get rid of whatever was burning my eyes! Eventually, several minutes of cold water on my eyes/face made the immediate burning sensation calmer. I was moments from asking Susie to take me to the emergency room. After stopping the eye-burning, I just had a major headache until I was able to go to sleep for the night. This morning I have a blister where the stuff must have touched my arm. I carefully covered up, dug out the three of these I had planted a few months ago (fortunately they were still small) and bagged them. Having grandkids around, I shudder at the thought of one of them getting this toxic sap on their hands and face!

I think there should be a big warning on these plants to read before you buy them. I see them in many public spots around town. Beware of their sap!

Here’s a couple of articles:
If you look, you can find numerous stories worse than mine!

Revelation Study Resources

These are the books specifically on the Revelation of Jesus Christ that I have been using lately. I always use Logos Bible software with general resources like interlinears and Greek lexicons and word study. But these are the books specifically on Revelation that I am using these days.

Revelation for Everyone – N.T. Wright
This is the one book on Revelation to get if you only read one, or if you want to read it devotionally day-by-day. Wright has a very informed and balanced perspective and writes (in the Everyone Series) at a popular level for regular folk. He is an excellent communicator, scholar, and pastor.
The Bible Project
The Bible Project is just about the best thing in biblical literacy since sliced bread. These guys offer really good video summaries on books of the Bible along with many other free resources for students of the Bible. I can’t recommend their stuff highly enough, particularly for the internet-oriented crowd. Check it our yourself, and refer your friends to this resource. Here are their two excellent 10-minute videos on The Revelation of Jesus:

  1. The Revelation of Jesus, Part 1
  2. The Revelation of Jesus, Part 2

And here is The Bible Project in-depth podcast series on The Day of the Lord. It’s really excellent.

  1. The Day of the Lord, Part 1: What’s the Deal with Babylon?
  2. The Day of the Lord, Part 2: Pharaoh vs. The Warrior God
  3. The Day of the Lord, Part 3: Solomon, the Richest Man in Babylon?
  4. The Day of the Lord, Part 4: The Evil Behind Babylon
  5. The Day of the Lord, Part 5: Jesus and the War Against Evil
  6. The Day of the Lord, Part 6: Revelation and Jesus in Modern Politics
Discipleship on the Edge: An Expository Journey through the book of Revelation – Darrell W. Johnson
This book, based on a sermon series Darrell Johnson gave in Glendale, CA some years ago, is the one I am using to help me structure my 2017 sermon series and gauge how much background material to include. I appreciate Johnson’s care in study and exegesis and his passion. He’s an excellent preacher.
Revelation: Four Views – Steve Gregg
If you want to understand the range of reputable views or interpretations of Revelation, this is the book to get. Gregg did a major service for those of us who want to study the range of perspectives side-by-side. His book has proven to be extremely popular with pastors and students and is in a second edition now. I highly recommend this book when you are moving beyond casual study. Or even if you just want to understand the major perspectives
Reading Revelation Responsibly: Uncivil Worship and Witness: Following the Lamb into the new Creation – Michael J. Gorman
Not too long, very balanced, and recommended by many. Darrell Johnson recommended it.
The Theology of the Book of Revelation (New Testament Theology) – Richard Bauckham
Bauckham did not write this as a commentary, but to explain the theology of the Revelation. Very helpful.
Revelation: A New Covenant Commentary – Gordon D. Fee
This is a somewhat more academic commentary that is quite good.
The Book of RevelationNew International Commentary on the New Testament – Robert H. Mounce
This is one of the top commentaries on Revelation. As a volume in the New International Commentary on the New Testament, it is based on the Greek text; however, knowledge of Greek is not required to get a lot of benefit. For serious students of the text. I look here for help with difficult issues.
The NIV Application Commentary: Revelation – Craig S. Keener
This is another highly-regarded commentary that focuses more on providing possible application of the text for today’s Christian. I find Keener’s perspective helpful.
Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination – Eugene H. Peterson
This book by Eugene Peterson is organized thematically. It is not a verse-by-verse commentary at all, but is about understanding the Revelation.
The Millennial Maze: Sorting Out Evangelical Options – Stanley J. Grenz
This is not strictly a book on Revelation at all. It’s about evangelical perspectives on the end times. It’s older than Gregg’s book above, but was one of the first resources that helped me, well, sort through the maze of millenniums. It’s an IVP book written at a level that a college student can easily read.
The Book of RevelationNew International Greek Testament Commentary – Gregory K. Beale
This is another top commentary on Revelation, focusing on the Greek text. Really good and pretty academic. It’s useful even if you don’t know Greek. It’s not my first resource, but rather for reference when I’m digging.

Sarah Williams talks on “Sex in the Post-Modern Story”

“The problem of sexual confusion in our culture, which is huge, is not going to be solved by the reassertion of power.” Thus says the wise and learned Sarah Williams in these talks given at Corban University, which I cannot recommend highly enough. Williams is a first-rate scholar and does us a great service in explaining the world from which our present day came and how we got here, with regard to how we think of people and sex. I don’t know much about Corban University; but Sarah Williams I have read and listened to quite a lot over the past couple of years, to my great profit. Such great free resources are not so easy to find! This one is top notch.

Sex in the Postmodern Story, Part 1
Sex in the Postmodern Story, Part 2
Sex in the Postmodern Story, Part 3

The Bible Project

The Bible Project is a project that brings me great encouragement. It is high quality, crowd-funded and unencumbered for re-use. It is just an all-around great general resource for followers of Jesus who want to learn and help others learn God’s story from the Bible. Here’s a link to The Bible Project from which you can learn all about it and start using the resources it provides.

Staying at the Bottom and the Edges

[Jesus] demands of his first followers a living witness to a simple life on the edge, because once you are at the visible center, once you are on the top, you have too much to prove and too much to protect… The only free positions in this world are at the bottom and at the edges of things. Everywhere else, there is too much to maintain – an image to promote and a fear of losing it all – which ends up controlling your whole life.

– Richard Rohr, in Dancing Standing Still; Healing the World from a Place of Prayer

We Don’t Need Either One

Judah got in a lot of trouble for depending on Assyria to protect them from the Israel/Aram coalition. And then Judah got in a lot of trouble for looking to Babylon to protect them from the Assyrians. Later, Judah got in a lot of trouble for depending on Egypt to protect them from the Babylonians. And so it goes.

People of God, vote for whomever you can vote with a clear conscience and then stand by without shame as a leader without being an embarrassment to God. But remember: #WeDontNeedEitherOne

There is no candidate running who will usher in the kingdom of God or prevent its coming.

Finally, Isaiah 30:1-3 is apropos:

Woe to the obstinate children,”
declares the LORD,
“to those who carry out plans that are not mine,
forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit,
heaping sin upon sin;
who go down to Egypt
without consulting me;
who look for help to Pharaoh’s protection,
to Egypt’s shade for refuge.
But Pharaoh’s protection will be to your shame,
Egypt’s shade will bring you disgrace.

Un-Common Words from A Commonplace Book

Alan Jacobs, in his review of The Complete Words of W. H. Auden in the September/October 2016 issue of Books & Culture quotes an entry from a book written late in Auden’s life entitled A Certain World: A Commonplace Book:

Let me close with one more reflection by Auden, one of the longest in A Certain World, from the entry on “Friday, Good”; it exemplifies the wisdom and acuity of mind that this great man possessed, even in the somewhat diminished last years of his life:

Just as we were all, potentially, in Adam when he fell, so we were all, potentially, in Jerusalem on that first Good Friday before there was an Easter, a Pentecost, a Christian, or a Church. It seems to me worth while asking ourselves who we should have been and what we should have been doing. None of us, I’m certain, will imagine himself as one of the Disciples, cowering in an agony of spiritual despair and physical terror. Very few of us are big wheels enough to see ourselves as Pilate, or good churchmen enough to see ourselves as a member of the Sanhedrin. In my most optimistic mood I see myself as a Hellenized Jew from Alexandria visiting an intellectual friend. We are walking along, engaged in philosophical argument. Our path takes us past the base of Golgotha. Looking up, we see an all-too-familiar sight – three crosses surrounded by a jeering crowd. Frowning with prim distaste, I say, “It’s disgusting the way the mob enjoy such things. Why can’t the authorities execute criminals humanely and in private by giving them hemlock to drink, as they did with Socrates?” Then, averting my eyes from the disagreeable spectacle, I resume our fascinating discussion about the nature of the True, the Good, and the Beautiful.

Yow. I think that’s all too often how we walk through life. Or we look for miracles while creation proclaims all around us.

This is Not Social Discourse

I’m not a particular fan of Bill Gates. However in this interview of Bill Gates from the Atlantic, Gates quite reasonably expresses the need to increase the rate of development for new energy sources (by a lot) because of climate change with less drama and more sense than is found in most such comments.

The interesting thing to me is that this article has created quite a buzz. But the buzz is not about the central ideas of the article. It’s about Bill Gates sidebar comments that he doesn’t think the free market is good at every kind of technological advance or every allocation of resources. The buzz is that Bill Gates is against free markets and has come out as a socialist!

Whether the article is meritorious on its own terms or not, this is sheer and utter nonsense. It prevents actual discussion of substance because the discussion is hijacked by hot button political issues. What Gates actually said isn’t being discussed. His comment on free markets is the only thing.

And that is where our public discourse is today. It’s so ridden with land mine hot button issues that you can’t even discuss anything. And if you happen to miss one of the mines and some interest is offended, they throw you and all your good ideas and labor away because of the one thing you said that made you an offender. That’s a recipe for permanent social adolescence. One can make no mistakes (if they are mistakes) or we’ll replace you with someone else who hasn’t done anything we could possibly be upset about. That’s no way to live.

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