Praying for the Election
24-7 Prayer USA has a very nice guide to praying for the election.
Understanding the Election Process
Protect Democracy is an organization whose purpose is to protect free and fair elections, defend the rule of law, and safeguard the public square. They have a nice set of slides explaining how long it could take to project a winner of the election on November 5. Bottom line: the election is expected to be very close so don’t expect to know who won on the night of the election. Patience is going to be required.
Tracking the Election Results
Given the likelihood that tons of bad and misleading information that will flood social media, where can we get accurate updates and explanations of what is happening?
I want to recommend that we get the latest updates and explanations regarding the election from the National Task Force on Election Crises. This excellent non partisan resource will help us avoid the inaccurate information that will be flooding social media. The task force will maintain and update a toolkit with accurate information regarding what is happening with vote counting and other important election developments as the votes are counted and results become available.
The Big Picture
Remember, the kingdom of heaven does not depend on the election result. We know already: Jesus has been put in charge! We follow him.
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Matthew 28.18 [niv]